Thisstudyaimed to assessthe durability and technicalpropertiesof Prosopis juliflora, an exogenous tree species in Kenya, which was introduced in the early 1970s to improve biomass cover and rehabilitate arid and semi arid land. Laboratory tests to assess heartwood resistance to fungi indicated that the wood was resistant to both white rotand brown rotfungi. The heartwood had a high contentofextractives, which have been demonstrated to have a limited effect on fungal growth inhibition. Moreover, P. juliflora wood was easily impregnated using a standard vacuum pressure plant, so that additional preservation treatmentscan be considered for use under severe conditions. Laboratoryand field teststo assesstermite resistance indicated low susceptibility of P . juliflora wood, which seems correlated to the presence of extractives. The wood isdimensionallystable and its mechanical properties compared wellwith those ofPinuspatula,a Kenyan wood species widely used for construction. Calorific value was consistentwith thatofother Prosopiswood species currently used as fuelwood. Taken together, these data indicate that P . juliflora wood for fuelwood and construction can be a valuable alternative to help remedy the wood shortage in Kenya and reduce pressureson natural and plantation forests.