This paper explores the perception of the Luo community on widow inheritance and HIV/AIDS and examines the
risk communication messages by recommending what successful risk communication messages should entail. The
paper maintains that the practice of widow inheritance among the Luo community in Kenya should be reexamined
due to the emergence of HIV/AIDS and the fact that Changes in the practice of widow inheritance has made
women vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. Women’s vulnerability need to be tackled for any progress to occur in the fight
against HIV/AIDS and for the prosperity of the nation. This article has examined using a feminist lens. Women
are often the ‘bearers’ of culture and, therefore, well positioned to be the agents of change now and in the future.
A healthy population fosters development and stability. Theoretical approaches to bring to bear in this paper are
Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM) and Social Learning theory and Cultural Interpretive Model. The
article is located within the fields of risk, health and development communication. Through communication,
women need to be empowered to make informed decisions.
Key words: HIV/AIDS, women vulnerability, wife inheritance, communication messages