Play is an essential component of learning among children. Children learn best through play. Without using play, learning in children is impaired and apparently performance is affected. This study was conducted with an aim of investigating the effects of play on performance of learners in early childhood development and education centers in Kyuso sub-county, Kitui County in Kenya. The study used a survey research design to collect information in a standardized form from the sampled population. The target population was one hundred and sixty (160) teachers in the one hundred and twenty eight (128) early childhood development and education (ECDE) centers in Kyuso subcounty. Questionnaires were used to collect data from teachers of E.C.D.E Centers in the sub-county. The sample was an adequate representation of ECDE teachers in Kyuso sub-County E.C.D.E centers. The respondents were both male and female teachers. The study specifically used simple random sampling method and Questionnaires were used to collect data which were tested for both reliability and validity .The data collected was analyzed by the help of statistical package for social science (SPSS). Both descriptive and inferential statistics of analysis was used. Descriptive data was analyzed
using frequency and percentages and presented using frequency tables and descriptive statements. Infeential analysis was done to establish the relationship between the variables. The study concluded that; ECDE teachers have various ways of developing play activities to suit their children. Play activities boosted performance in language activities, music and movement activities, science activities and mathematics activities. The study recommends for a replication of this study especially in areas designated as urban areas. This will enhance generalization of the findings of the current study.
Keywords: early child hood development education, performance, play