themselves. For such communication to be effective, appropriate channel ought to be incorporated. Instructional media qualifies such channel by mediating and supporting interactions. Failure to utilize instructional media in many public primary schools in Kenya has provoked the use of classical methods of teaching which in most cases result to poor performance in Kiswahili in Kenya National Exams. This paper investigated the utilization of instructional media in teaching and learning of Kiswahili in Kenya‟s public primary schools. The paper is guided by two objectives which are: To establish the type of instructional media used in teaching and learning of Kiswahili language in public primary schools and to establish the influence of instructional media in teaching and learning of Kiswahili language in Kenya. The paper is based on Media Richness Theory propounded by Daft and Lengel in 1986. The study adopted a descriptive design. The target population was 331 public schools head teachers and 369 Kiswahili teachers assigned to class eight. Purposive sampling was used to select sample of 46 head teachers and 55 Kiswahili in class eight were randomly selected. Collection of data was done through questionnaires. Data was analyzed descriptively and presented in tables, graphs and percentages. The study found out that 68% of teachers do not use the three kinds of instructional media and 64% affirmed that instructional media have positive influence on pupils „general performance in Kiswahili. The study may benefit the government through the ministry of education in overseeing utilization of instructional media in Kiswahili. This is through acquisition and distribution of instructional media by sensitizing teachers through seminars and workshops. The study recommend establishment of Kiswahili resource centers from grass root to the national levels. It is believed that the findings of the study will provide useful information to education stakeholders on way of improving teaching of Kiswahili language through appropriate utilization of instructional media.
KEYWORDS: Utilization, instructional media, teaching and learning, Kiswahili language