The evaluation of the possibility of exploiting Ampelomyces quisqualis, mycoparasitic fungi for the biocontrol of cashew
powdery mildew (Oidium. anacardii) was studied. An in vitro biological control test on detached leaves of cashew was used and a detailed
microscopic analysis of the interactions between mycoparasite and O. anacardii conducted. Effect of mycoparasite on disease severity
and incidence was discussed. Ampelomyces quisqualis was confirmed as a mycoparasite of O. anacardii. When grown near the pathogen,
A. quisqualis was seen entwining around the pathogen mycelium. It was stimulated to produce branches that grew directly to the mycelium
of pathogen Ampelomyces quisqualis firm attachment on the pathogen conidia resulted in the penetration and successful growth. Some of
the impregnated O. anacardii conidia were found dead. Koch’s postulates were satisfied to establish the mycoparasitism of A. quisqualis.