Good records management will promote efficient and effective public services in ways such as ensuring regulatory compliance, curb corruption, support making of informed decisions by providing timely and sufficient information and promoting accountability among others. The aim of the study was to assess the legal implication on records management in Kenya National Archives and Documentation Centre with specific references to Nakuru records Centre. It sought to assess the legal framework in regard to records management for efficiency in service delivery. The study investigated how public records are accessed in national archives, it evaluated the policies on appraisal of records, assessed the legislation on destruction of records in public and private domain and investigated the laws in place that stops the destruction of records in public and private domain. The study aimed at analyzing past studies as regards to legal implication on records management in a bid to give insight into the contributions made by other scholars hence avoiding duplication of research efforts. Both primary and secondary data was collected. Primary data was gathered through observation, interviews and structured questionnaires which were distributed to the respondents. The data collected was analyzed and presented by use of graphs, pie-charts and statistical tables. The study sought to enlighten the public on access provisions of the information in the national archives. The study finally gave possible recommendations and conclusion in line with set objectives and research questions.