This paper discuses learning resources for children with visual impairments in integrated
ECDE Centres. Early childhood care and education has been prioritised as a foundation for
later learning and development. It is a global endeavour as evidenced by the global
guidelines for early childhood education and care in the 21st century. Children with special
needs in education required appropriate adoptions to curricula, teaching methods,
educational resources, medium of communication and the learning environment in order to
cater for individual differences in learning. This paper intends to critically analyse the
adequacy of the learning resource for children with visual impairment at the pre-school level
in regular schools. The policy must address the issues of vulnerable and marginalised
children, especially children with special needs and provide affirmative action for them. The
policy further goes on to state that there should be non-discrimination of children and
families on the basis of gender, race, colour, religion, economic status, disability and health
status. It is in this view that the paper intends to critically analyse the provision of learning
resource for children with visual impairment.