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Causes Of Maternal Deaths In Kabare Location, Kirinyaga County

Show simple item record Wacira W Judy 2018-07-16T14:57:42Z 2018-07-16T14:57:42Z 2018
dc.description.abstract ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to identify the causes of maternal deaths in Kabare location, in Kirinyaga County. Specific objectives of the study were to examine the medical causes of maternal deaths, the social-cultural causes and the health system causes. The study used a case study since it gives an in depth information of the variable under study. The target population was 300 and the sample size 20. Data was collected by the use of questionnaire which had both the closed and the open ended questions. Data was analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methods for example frequency tables, graphs and pie charts. The study was informed by the health seeking behavior theory; the theory explains that health seeking behavior is influenced by societal determinants, health services system and individual characteristics. Individual characteristics that influence decision to seek care are predisposing, enabling and need factors. Predisposing factors comprise of social demographic factors and past experience. The key findings of the study was that among the medical causes unsafe abortions was the leading cause of maternal deaths due to complications brought about by habitual abortions, obstructed labor was also mostly witnessed by those who preferred giving birth at home and the least causing factor was indirect causes that is diseases like urinary tract infections. Among social cultural causes the ignorance and lack of choice of the use of contraceptive was identified to be among the leading cause of maternal deaths, on the health system causes was the inadequate funds to run the hospitals hence poor services and the inaccessibility of health centers right on time due to distance and unavailable means of transport. The study recommended a number of actions including public sensitization on contraceptives, extension of mobile clinic services and provision and follow up on the funds allocated to run health facilities. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Causes Of Maternal Deaths In Kabare Location, Kirinyaga County en_US
dc.type Learning Object en_US

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