The HIV/AIDS Education Sector Policy in Kenya of the year 2006 advocates for effective teaching of HIV/AIDS issues in schools. Through the infusion of HIV/AIDS messages across the curriculum, it is expected that learners will acquire responsible sexual behaviour that will reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS. In the year 2007, Kangundo division had HIV/AIDS prevalence rate of 8.4%. HIV/AIDS education therefore can benefit school going adolescents in the division. This study investigated students’ sexual
behavior after the introduction of HIV/AIDS education in public secondary schools in Kangundo division. The research design used was ex post facto. The target population was 19 public secondary schools in the
division. The researchers randomly selected 80 teachers and 160 students from 18 public secondary
schools in the division to participate in the study. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the teachers and students.The findings of the study revealed that majority of the students were engaging in
irresponsible sexual behaviour and drug abuse even after the introduction of the HIV/AIDS education in schools. This made students vulnerable to HIV/AIDS infection. Students were also possible active agents of HIV/AIDS transmission. The study recommended that HIV/AIDS education in schools should be improved and sustained. There is also need to make serious appeal to the students to change their sexual
behaviour through the media, community based organizations, the church and the family unit. Stakeholders in the education sector should collaborate to deal with drug and substance abuse in schools.