The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of audio instructional materials in enhancing the acquisition
of pre-reading skills among preschool learners. The objectives of the study were to establish the: effectiveness of
audio instructional materials in enhancing acquisition of pre-reading skills and effectiveness of teacher’s
pedagogical skills in enhancing acquisition of pre-reading skills among preschool learners. The study adopted a
descriptive survey design to collect the required data. The target population was 294 Pre School teachers in
Narok County. The sample size was 166 respondents selected using purposive and simple random sampling
methods. Data was collected using questionnaires and observation schedules. Reliability and validity of the
instruments was computed to ascertain the appropriateness of the instruments in collecting data and to ensure
that the instruments provide consistent data. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics while
qualitative data was analysed and presented as per the emerging themes. The findings of the study revealed that
the instructional materials were not effectively used in enhancing acquisition of pre reading skills among
preschool learners. Audio instructional materials were least effectively used in most of the schools. Teachers
indicated that they used their skills to develop their own instructional materials to assist in enhancing acquisition
of pre-reading skills among the preschool learners. The results indicated that instructional materials facilitate
acquisition of pre reading skills among the learners. The findings of the study shall be beneficial to the preschool
teachers, instructional materials developers, policy makers in the education sector and other researchers.